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ethical characteristic中文是什么意思

用"ethical characteristic"造句"ethical characteristic"怎么读"ethical characteristic" in a sentence


  • 道德特征


  • To unscramble the ethical characteristics of management and the management functions of ethic from the visual view of value , where is our logical starting point
    解读管理与伦理的双向价值时,理论运思的逻辑起点应从管理与伦理两者都摆脱不了的情结? ?人性假设开始。
  • Management has united , harmonious , ethical characteristics of naturalness and sociability , artificialness and humanness , utilitarian and morality , autonomy and heteronomy , ideality and reality
  • As the collective term , which stipulates the legal norms to adjust the businessmen as well as their commercial activities in the market economy , commercial law , demonstrates not only the technical features , but also the strong ethical characteristics
  • Discoursing upon six important ethical characteristics which electronic culture is taking on , viz . informatization of ethical environment , popularization of ethical concept , commercialization of ethical practice , virtualization of ethical subject , duality of ethical consciousness ; and proposing some fundamental thoughts scenarios to solve the ethical questions and perplexities of electronic culture hereby
用"ethical characteristic"造句  
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